In outsourcing business FAQ plays a vital role in building healthy business relationship and for tidy approach. When one tries to utilize his human resource with great spontaneous skills because other can to it better; it is obvious to put a series of question, why the vendor is better for his work.
FAQ is a process of augmentation in business and as an outsourcing firm we concentrated in this direction and try to put a series of question, which we think they might help our customer to draw demographics of our business.
So a couple of days before we publish a frequently asked question page on our site with title “FAQ for IT Enabled services and Data entry project”. Here our sole purpose it to give readers a user friendly way because it’s a common psychology of outsourcing client to come with the series of question, which they seek to be answered by the vendor of offshore location. So in process we generated a series of question which are often being asked to our spoke person.
The page fits to suit a purpose and reveal “To whom we are concern”, “How we can assist in their business”, “What is our business location” etc. As an outsourcing firm this page will assist us in building assurance and trust. In parallel it will decrease a step of correspondence and give assurance to our customer that we are not bamboozling them. We would supply work to what we are known for.