Data capturing refers to obtaining certain information and converting into a form that the computer interprets. This usually encompasses tasks like collecting documents, keying and making measurements, and more often asking people to fill up questionnaires. To take it to a technologically elevated level, we come across the team automated data capture that directly inputs data without botheration of manual input through keyboards. This is undertaken typically by following means:
It is crucial that the data capturing forms should be clear and simple. Computerized data capturing saves a lot of extraneous manual effort. Data extraction refers to the extracting of data from various data sources only to be further processed or for storage purposes. Some of the common unstructured data sources can be identified as emails, PDFs, web pages, reports and documents. Extracting data from these unstructured sources poses a constant technical challenge. This process requires use of special tools and software. It works on the principle of ETL method.
Email appending service is the marketing practice that matches priorly available customer data like first name, last name and address to a seller’s database. The major objective of this strategy is to increase the email subscriber list of a company such that customers can be contacted through email on regular basis. This practice is undertaken to minimize the hassle of traditional mailing services to the customers. It is often incorporated by businesses and organizations to maintain constant interactions with their users and acquaint them with timely offers. The users are most often provided with the option of choosing for the service and opting out of it at their own accord. This practice is essential to maintain presence among customers and evaluate business growth.
At Eoutsourcing India, we provide intensive solutions to all your requirements of email appending, data extraction and capturing needs. You should opt for us because:
We are driven to serve you the most outstanding services. Please feel to contact us for any quotations and queries.