So if you are planning for blog in this remaining year then we want to assert that it would be beneficiary for your business. First off, prepare a mindset that you are willing to do blogging; generally people give up blogging and like “Rome is not built in day” similarly blogging can’t be a one day activity. It’s a constant thought of activity, where exactitude of requirements, problems with solution are to be highlighted especially, if you are concern to some sort of business; otherwise your efforts would go fade.

So what to do with blogging? What would be the Agenda before starting a blog? As we stated a mindset is required with a sort of commitment and efforts that you or your team will blog at least twice a week. Probably you have to prove your mettle which means whatever the difficulties come out, you would always has something to say. So, in order to do this, first prepare a list of topics which is your business or related to your business and start treating that particular category of choice with royalty. We asserted business topics because love to start what they love to do and business is where they are engaged so it would be better to direct their attention there.

Many times you have to write off-topic but you have to make sure that goes in length so that you can receive reputation that you can understand other business. Sometimes you have to underwrite and gear your blog entries. You have to do it, until you receive reputation that you are an expert opinion on that particular topic. It will take time but the result will be fruitful. So once you board, it would not be certain to you become professional who is responsive on selected topic.

Be habitual with Writing: – People often start blog because other are making a good deal. They start with a hope, but fade by time because they are not habitual with writing. As we stated, blogging is constant activity of thoughts and blogs don’t write at their own, it too requires your efforts. So be aware to write down, whatever experience you have in your daily life and try to relate your experience with your blog category. It would be beneficiary because it will give your attempt to write some real life situation. It is something, what intend surfer searches for? It is for what you need to blog? It is what people prefer “real life case studies”?

It is where writing is required and where you have to be habitual. So, if you can’t write, don’t feel discourage. You have an option to make video blogging. What you need to do is to sign up with Youtube or some other similar sites and upload your videos there with certain keywords.

Avoid Sassy Titles: – Most of the proponent bloggers uses inexpensive hosting sites like At initials, what we notice blogger do prefer to make some keyword research for their posts title and write their blog posts accordingly. Here we want to assert, that you don’t need all these jobs. What is required for your blog is natural flow of thoughts. Punny titles can’t make your good. When you blog, what is required is to earn trust of reader’s so content should be epistolary other strategies are not required at all. Otherwise they will be yesterday story, where nobody hangs out.

Avoid Ads: – When a blogger earn some reputation the biggest blunder they do is to have some ads on the text in order to have some garner income. Which is often conditional and here onwards these ads roll over the text whey you put your hard efforts. As from surfing point of view, it leads to bad experience even distract your readers. So put aside all these ads.


Don’t write, just for SEO Perspective: – You may found it certain but it’s not. Readers can clearly recognize type of post. The can determine what you have written; even the intention behind the post. So writing just from SEO Perspective is not a healthy approach. There are lots of others blogger doing this, who fade after a span of time. We want you to build reputation as what reader seeks…. is to be natural and especially for solution for their requirement or they want to see some informative text of their intend search. What is the use of text when all others are writing on same idea? Believe us reader will take no time in switching if you can’t make them happy.

So, what you learned after practice that there are certain people in industries who can pay you for posting content for them. What is commonly observed that these people just pursue for textual links ignoring the quality of text. Here, if you want to join hands, make sure that they are like minded as you and put stress on real experience. It will take time, but still there generous people, who value quality content. Joining hands with such generous people s will earn you reputation; someone who has mastery in that particular topic or niches.

Conclusion: – We hope following these particular steps would help in preparing agenda of blogging. As we stated, blogging is constant activity of thoughts. It will take time, so don’t fell discourage and start writing on problems because peoples searches for problem solving. Doing this would really help you and your business and by time, you will earn reputation where people can say these peoples are decent people who can help us.

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